UPDATE! I am officially off ALL high blood pressure medicine!
I continue to use the oils to keep my blood pressure low.
I've updated the language in this post to reflect my current success.
I'm not making any medical claims. I'm just telling you my experience.
I continue to use the oils to keep my blood pressure low.
I've updated the language in this post to reflect my current success.
I'm not making any medical claims. I'm just telling you my experience.
I'm sure this is all just a coincidence, but I want to show you my blood pressure
before and after essential oils.
I could talk all day, but just look at the numbers:
These are actual readings from my home blood pressure monitor, taken at approximately the same time of day about 10 days apart.
One day, about 10 years ago, I went to the doctor and my blood pressure was high. My doctor at the time, and subsequent doctors since, had no explanation as to why it shot up and stayed up.
So that I didn't have a stroke or something, they put me on drugs.
Last year, the drugs stopped working so well,
so my doctor started talking about putting me on more drugs and did increase my dose.
My dose was increased by 1/3.
The reading above, on the left, is my BP last month on the increased meds.
Clearly, I was in trouble. The drugs were not working.
Then my favorite friend introduced me to essential oils and
I began to use a specialized blend (see recipe below) for my blood pressure.
The reading on the right, above, is with reduced meds....the reading on the left is with increased meds. I reduced them back down to what I was taking last year and
am hoping to get off them altogether.
I am now off them altogether!
I no longer take medicine for high blood pressure!
I'm not claiming that essential oils reduced my blood pressure.
I'm only saying that when I use essential oils, my blood pressure drastically lowers.
When I don't use essential oils, my blood pressure is too high.
Reach your own conclusion.
I'll be staying on the oils.
My BP blend:
In a 10ml roller bottle:
8 drops cinnamon
8 drops frankincense
10 drops marjoram
10 drops ylang ylang
Top off with fractionated coconut oil.
I roll it on my wrists, bottoms of my feet and on my chest twice a day.
And I smile because I no longer have high blood pressure.
Click here for more info about essential oils, or to get some of your own.
Happy Oiling!