My 20-year-old son got a bad cold. I mean, it was bad. He could barely breathe, he was sneezing all over the house, he was personally responsible for the uptick in Kleenex's rising stock, he bought more Dayquil/Nyquil than should be legally allowed. He had it bad.
History shows that when one person in our household gets a cold, it goes through everyone. This observation is based on historical facts gleaned from raising eight kids. It's a given.
When my son's cold started, I began to diffuse doTerra's On Guard oil blend every day, all day long. I added 2-3 drops of On Guard to my diffuser and let it run all day, refilling as necessary.
I'm sure it's just a coincidence.
For more information and your opportunity to get your hands on these oils, click here.
You might just have a coincidence of your own!
Happy oiling!