Thursday, March 9, 2017

An Amazing Coincidence

I'm sure it's just a coincidence.

My 20-year-old son got a bad cold. I mean, it was bad. He could barely breathe, he was sneezing all over the house, he was personally responsible for the uptick in Kleenex's rising stock, he bought more Dayquil/Nyquil than should be legally allowed. He had it bad.

History shows that when one person in our household gets a cold, it goes through everyone. This observation is based on historical facts gleaned from raising eight kids. It's a given.

But, a coincidence happened this time. I'm sure it had to be a coincidence. I'll let you be the judge.
When my son's cold started, I began to diffuse doTerra's On Guard oil blend every day, all day long. I added 2-3 drops of On Guard to my diffuser and let it run all day, refilling as necessary.

The coincidence is simply that no one else in the house got his cold. Did you get that? Not one of us got his cold. He got better and, still, no one else is sick.

I'm sure it's just a coincidence.

For more information and your opportunity to get your hands on these oils, click here.
You might just have a coincidence of your own!
Happy oiling!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Cold Sore vs Frankincense

Sunday morning I felt a cold sore coming on. My upper lip was sore and I felt the unmistakable tingling that has always preceded my cold sores. I had no cold sore medication in the house.....but I have plenty of essential oils. I have a whole box full of them, as a matter of fact!

I keep Frankincense in a roller bottle at all times. The roller bottle contains 10 drops of Frankincense essential oil and is topped off with fractionated coconut oil. This is what I used on my pending cold sore. Here's a timeline of what happened:

Day 1 - Sunday - I felt the cold sore coming on. I put a tiny amount of the contents of the Frankincense roller bottle on my finger and put it on my lip. The tingling stopped for the moment.

Day 2 - Monday - I had forgotten to put more Frankincense on my lip the night before and I woke up to the all-familiar tingling sensation in my lip. I used another small amount of the oil. The tingling stopped.

Day 3 - Tuesday - Again, because I felt no tingling in my lip Monday night, I did not use any more oil. I did, however, feel a slight tingling Tuesday morning. I used another small amount of oil and the tingling, again, stopped.

A cold sore never did develop. It's now Thursday. I have not used the oil in more than 24 hours and I have not had even a hint of tingling.

Cold sore - 0
Frankincense - Score!!

Happy oiling!